
फिशर (गुदा में दरार) सर्जरी: फिशर सर्जरी के बाद सावधानियां और देखभाल
एनल फिशर (गुदा में दरार) क्या है? (Fissure Meaning in Hindi) गुदा विदर (Anal Fissure in Hindi) को गुदा (Anal) या गुदा नहर की दीवार

Types of Hernias: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Abdominal pain can be a distressing symptom, and one possible cause is a hernia. Understanding hernias and their various aspects is important for recognizing the

Cesarean Section (C-Section) Delivery: Procedure & Recovery Time
Motherhood, a remarkable chapter in a woman’s life, embodies boundless love, nurturing, and the incredible journey of bringing life into the world. Within the realm

Piles During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Pregnancy is a precious and changing moment in a woman’s life. However, it can also bring about certain challenges, including the development of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids,

Laser Piles Surgery: What to Expect and Recovery Time
Piles, commonly known as hemorrhoids or Bawasir, can cause significant discomfort, pain, and even bleeding. When conservative treatments fail to provide relief, laser piles surgery

बवासीर से तुरंत राहत दिलाने के लिए अपनाएं ये पांच नुस्खे (Piles Fast relief in Hindi)
बवासीर या पाइल्स (Piles/Hemmorohids) एक आम समस्या है जो लोगों को आदिकाल से परेशान कर रही है। यह समस्या मलाशय के आसपास की नसों में

6 Changes that Will Take Place in Your Body After Hysterectomy
Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove the uterus and most likely the cervix, the reproductive organ responsible for menstruation and pregnancy. It is

6 Super Foods to Prevent Piles: Learn From a Piles Specialist
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, affect a significant portion of the population. And it is an embarrassing condition that people are reluctant to discuss piles

ANAL FISSURES Vs. HEMORRHOIDS: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Have you seen blood stains on toilet paper? Thinking it might be due to piles, but Anorectal Surgeons explain that it could be either piles

What is Painless Delivery and How Does it Work?
The journey to motherhood is fantastic. However, a woman goes through a period of extreme agony when giving birth naturally. Most women find the pain

बवासीर में क्या खाना चाहिए (Piles Me Kya Khana Chaiye?)
बवासीर (Bawasir) या पाइल्स (Piles) एक ऐसी समस्या है जो बहुत से लोगों को परेशान करती है। इसमें मलाशय (Rectum) के आसपास की नसों में

Which Doctor to Consult for Piles Treatment in Ahmedabad?
Are you coping with chronic piles for a long period of time and have been tired by trying various medical treatments, piles home remedies, and

5 Things You Must Take Care of After Piles Surgery For Faster Recovery
Piles (bawasir), otherwise known as haemorrhoids, is a common medical condition nowadays. The lumps of swollen blood vessels that form around the anal basin and

महिला बवासीर के लक्षण (Symptoms of Piles in Female in Hindi)
बवासीर (Bavasir), जिसे हेमोराइड्स (Haemorrhoids) भी कहते हैं, पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों को प्रभावित करने वाली एक बीमारी है। हालांकि, महिलाएं गर्भावस्था, बच्चे की डिलीवरी

What is Hernia? Don’t Ignore These 5 Important Symptoms
Ignorance may be bliss, but not when it comes to certain medical conditions. Are you feeling sudden pain around your abdomen or groin? It might

Top Women’s Health Tips From an OBGYN
“A woman’s health is her capital.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe As a woman, it is important to remain informed and conscious of your health. Health

दर्दरहित बवासीर का इलाज (Painless Piles Treatment in Hindi)
पाइल्स (बवासीर/bawasir in hindi) एक अत्यंत आम समस्या है जिसका सामना 4 में से 3 व्यक्ति अपने जीवनकाल में करते हैं। लेकिन इसकी शर्मनाक प्रकृति

Piles Treatment: Which Piles Doctor to Consult in Surat?
Are you suffering from the pain and discomfort of piles? Have you been searching for the right doctor for Piles to consult in Surat? You