Rectal Prolapse

What is Rectal Prolapse?

Prolapse is the condition wherein any body part slips or falls from its normal position. The meaning of Rectal Prolapse is the partial or total movement of the Rectum during defecation and slipping into the anus. The condition is not considered a medical emergency, however, it may worsen with the passage of time. 

Rectal prolapse can occur in men, women, and children. The prolapse can be reasonably mortifying and frequently has a negative effect on patients’ personal satisfaction.

What are the types of Rectal Prolapse?

Rectal Prolapse types are:-

  • External prolapse: Full-thickness rectal prolapse is when some portion of the mass of your rectum comes out via your rear end. This is the most well-known sort of rectal prolapse.
  • Mucosal prolapse: Mucosal prolapse is when just the covering (mucosa) of your rectum juts out by means of your anus.
  • Internal prolapse: Internal rectal prolapse is the point at which your rectum twists in on itself yet doesn’t push out through your rear end. This is additionally perceived as an interior intussusception.

What are the symptoms of Rectal Prolapse?

Typically the person may feel like sitting on a ball after passing stools, or he may notice something sticking out of the anus. Initially, you may only view this when you need to defecate. The rectum may return within on its own at times. However, if your prolapse worsens, this could also happen when you cough, sneeze or stand up.

Some Rectal Prolapse symptoms are:-

  • Inability to control defecation
  • Bleeding from rectum
  • Pain in the anus or rectum
  • Feeling a bulge outside the anus
  • Visible red mass outside the anal opening
  • Develop an ulcer on the segment of your rectum that projects out

What are the causes of Rectal Prolapse?

Rectal Prolapse cuases are:-

  • History of chronic diarrhea or constipation
  • Excessive straining
  • Previous injury to the anal or hip area
  • Weakness of Rectum Supporting Muscles & Ligaments
  • Old age weakens the muscles around the rectal area
  • Some other unknown causative factors

What is the treatment for Rectal Prolapse?

Rectal Prolapse Treatment usually involves surgery. The kind of Rectal Prolapse surgery your doctor recommends will depend on factors such as your health condition, age, bowel function, and the severity of the problem.

Other rectal prolapse treatments at home include therapies for constipation, including suppositories, stool softeners, etc.

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