What are Internal & External Piles (Haemorrhoids)?

Internal & External Piles (Haemorrhoids)

Internal And External Piles

There’s a good chance you’ve found this article because you suspect you have hemorrhoids, but you’re not sure exactly what they are or what you need to do to get rid of them. There’s no need to be embarrassed about this condition: 50% of adults will experience hemorrhoids before they’re 50; but what are they, and how can they be treated?

There are essentially two different types of hemorrhoids: internal and external piles, as defined by their location within your rectum. In both cases; one of the main causes of hemorrhoids is excessive straining due to pregnancy, constipation, diarrhea, or heavy lifting.

External Haemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids tend to be the more obvious affliction, manifesting as bulges or bumps around the anus. Frequently, this type of hemorrhoid becomes itchy, swollen, irritating, and in some cases, painful. There are more symptoms that may indicate external hemorrhoid, but you should consult with your physician for an accurate diagnosis.

Most of those suffering from external hemorrhoids also have internal hemorrhoids and the treatment can be the same.

Internal Haemorrhoids

While external hemorrhoids may be the more obvious, internal is the more common. In fact, everyone has internal hemorrhoids; but they’re not a problem until the blood vessels within your rectum become swollen and the tissue begins to loosen.

Minor bleeding is a common indicator that you have internal hemorrhoid, and as the swelling develops; you may start to experience some of the typical hemorrhoid symptoms. Constipation is a common cause of internal hemorrhoids; but you may not notice any pain as there are very few nerves found in that region of your rectum.

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