Anorectal Department

Anorectal refers to conditions related to the anus or rectum. These conditions are mainly caused due to some sort of overgrowth or abnormal growth of tissues in the anus and rectum region.  

Most people experience some form of anorectal disorder during their lifetime. Because these disorders affect the rectum, people are often embarrassed or afraid to confer with a medical professional. Harsh Hospital & Maternity Home provides treatment for the following anorectal diseases:

  • Piles ( बवासीर )

Hemorrhoids are also known as Piles. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum and lower anus. This swelling has the potential to cause localized inflammation of other tissues. Many people suffer from this, not many are aware of the Symptoms of Piles. They should consult a Piles Specialist for the course of available treatments.

  • Anal Fistula (भगन्दर)

An Anal fistula is an infected tunnel that connects the skin to the anus. Primarily the Anal Fistuala means a muscular opening at the end of the tract. The majority of fistulas are due to an infection in an anal gland that extends to the skin. Pain, swelling, and the release of blood or pus from the rectum are all symptoms of Fistula. Laser Fistula Treatment is the most sort after option for this condition.

  • Fissures ( दरार)

An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin lining on the opening of the anus. Fissures are developed by hard or difficult bowel movements, causing severe pain or bleeding. Treating fissures is easier as they heal on their own in a time of 4 to 6 weeks. However in sever cases, Anal Fissure Surgery is recommended.

  • Prolapse

Rectal Prolapse is a condition in which the rectum ( i.e. the last few inches of the large intestine ) or a part of it, loses its normal attachments inside the body, and protrudes out through the anal opening. Prolapse is more common in older women, but it can- happen to men and women of any age. The majority of people will require Surgery for Rectal Prolapse at some point.

Symptoms & Signs

Important Symptoms of Anorectal Diseases include:

  • Itching, a burning sensation around the anal region
  • Pus & blood discharge, blood
  • Rectum and anus enlargement, and diarrhea.
  • Other typical symptoms include painful defecation, anal spasm, and bleeding while passing stools


Treatments range from recommendations for over-the-counter products to more invasive surgical procedures. Various treatments such as Laser Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, and Stapler Surgery,  will be recommended considering the severity of the issue.

Why Choose Harsh Hospital for Anorectal Disorders?

  • We are a top proctology clinic with the best Anorectal Surgeon S. N. Baser and are equipped with cutting-edge therapies for anorectal conditions like IBS, Pilonidal Sinus, Fissure, Constipation, Fistula, and Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
  • With advanced treatments provided by us, there is a negligible chance of recurrence.
  • At our hospital, we offer top-notch facilities like ICU, three best-in-class Operating Theaters, a Labor room, an Endoscopy room, an X-Ray (Digital), Ultrasound, and a 24-hour NABL-endorsed Laboratory and Pharmacy.
  • At our hospital, our patients can take advantage of insurance, Medical claim facilities for their treatment.
  • A dedicated team is available to assist International Patients.
  • We aim for “Optimal Patient Care”, which entails making sure that each patient is at ease and pain-free throughout the course of treatment.
  • We also provide the most advanced cutting-edge Hernia and Varicose vein treatments.

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