Cesarean Section

What is Cesarean Section?

Cesarean delivery (C-section) is a surgical procedure that involves incisions in the abdomen and uterus to deliver a baby. If you have pregnancy complications or have had a previous C-section and aren’t interested in having a vaginal birth after your cesarean, a C-section may be scheduled ahead of time (VBAC). However, the need for a first-time C-section is sometimes not apparent until labor has begun. Knowing what to expect during a C-section, both during the procedure and afterward, can help you prepare if you’re expecting.

How is C-section performed?

A cesarean section is an operation to deliver a baby. It involves making a cut in the front wall of a woman’s abdomen (tummy) and uterus (womb). A C-section is usually carried out under a regional anesthetic, where the lower part of your body is numbed. It usually takes 30-45 minutes.

What are the types of cesarean sections?

The types of C-sections are: 

  • Traditional Cesarean section: A long, vertical incision is created in the midline of the abdomen during a traditional Cesarean section (C-section).
  • Lower uterine segment Cesarean section (LUCS): An incision is created right above the pubic hairline, just above the bladder, for this type of C-section. This is one of the most used C-section delivery procedures nowadays.
  • Cesarean hysterectomy:  The uterus is removed during the same surgery as the C-section delivery in a Cesarean hysterectomy.

Cesarean Section may be transverse (the usual) or vertical in the following conditions:

  •    the presence of lateral varicosities
  •     constriction ring to cut through it
  •     deeply engaged head

The location of an LSCS is beneficial for the following reasons:

  •   the peritoneum is more loosely attached to the uterus
  •     contraction is less than in the upper part of the uterus
  •     healing is more efficient
  •     sutures are intact (less problem with suture loosening)

Most bleeding takes place from the angles of the incision, and forceps can be applied to control it. We At Harsh Hospital & Maternity Home, Surat are committed to helping you in your every need.

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